Monday Oct 01, 2018
Ep. 11 The delicious paradox of ‘slow’ in the workplace with Carl Honoré
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
“The keynote of modern life is acceleration – and the pressure is coming at us from every angle. The natural human instinct is to ‘have it all”. So we end up not having it all, or seeking to – and that just means ‘hurrying it all.’” But we don’t have to play that game, says author of the global bestselling book In Praise of Slow and ‘Godfather of the Slow Movement’ Carl Honoré. The benefits to slowing down are legion – improved creativity, focus, wellbeing – and ironically more productivity - and while business culture is catching up, the revolution has to be an individual shift. In this fascinating podcast episode we talk to Carl about the optimum tempo of life and work - and how you can start to make a choice to become more, rather than just do more.
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Ep. 10 The male agents of change with Chris Stylianou
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Monday Sep 17, 2018
Male agents of change have a powerful part to play in advancing gender parity and are an essential part of the conversation, says Sky COO for UK and Ireland, Chris Stylianou. “We’ve all got our part to play, and it’s not going to be big step changes and silver bullets - it’s going to be practical and it’s going to be about making things ‘the norm’”. In this podcast episode, we talk to him about the role of male allies, why moving toward a balanced workforce makes real business sense and how taking action is the key to real change for forward-thinking businesses.
Monday Jul 09, 2018
Monday Jul 09, 2018
“Every generation needs to understand what the digital channels are and how people are using them. Because despite the way in which technology is used there are some fundamental principles in communication that I think stand: What is your objective? ; Who is your audience?; What is the right channel for that?…that’s just smart business thinking.”
The future is here, and it’s digital – but for digital transformation strategist and former Head of Public Participation for the UK Government Tiffany St James, power lies in the people and the culture that tech is embedded in. In this everywoman podcast episode, we talk to her about how social media has changed the way in which businesses engage with their audiences, how they get it right…and how they get it wrong – and the importance of embedding a culture of innovation not just “digital” in an organisation.
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Monday Jun 25, 2018
Should happiness be a new measure and definition of progress? And if we judge our society by how happy we are then what implications does that have for business, government and how we live our lives?
Director of the Wellbeing Programme at the Centre for Economic Performance at the LSE, chairman for Action for Happiness and co-author of The Origins of Happiness, Professor Lord Richard Layard, talks about the economic and social effects of happiness, the role of women in driving a “happiness revolution” and whether units of happiness could become a KPI for the future in the new everywoman podcast.
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
With a background in business, theatre, improvisation and psychology, Philippa Waller, founder of 4D Human Being, is a big believer in Shakespeare’s adage, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” And in her upcoming TEDX Glasgow talk on June 1 she explores the idea that we are all a part of this performance of ‘life’ – which is not a pre-planned script, but an enormous improvised scene.
If we as humans are the sum of our interactions, she says, then our power lies in being fluid and creative enough to take what we are “given” by others and build on the dynamic in a different way. In this way, we can consciously shape our interactions - and therefore our life. In this thought-provoking everywoman podcast, Philippa discusses why it’s better to be an improviser than a “stand up”, how the idea of certainties may be holding you back in life…and why you should always try to get your dry cleaner to smile at you…
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Ep. 6 Big Tech and Social Disruption with author of Silicon States Lucie Greene
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
“The promise of Silicon Valley is bold, futuristic, and seductive, but at the same time, it is the vision of a group of privileged, white, male 30-somethings with a famously rarified outlook on life. They’re not so different from the leaders of Washington D.C. Except, this group is not elected. Before the future gets handed to them, it’s important to look at the future they might build. It’s benefits, prejudices, and inherent flaws. And ask if, ultimately, we really want it. Before it’s too late.” In this fascinating podcast we talk to Lucie Greene, Worldwide Director of the Innovation Group at J. Walter Thompson, JWT’s in-house futures and innovation think tank, and author of a new book ‘Silicon States’ about the Valley’s ideological bid to ‘disrupt’ the world - unchecked, now largely unparalleled in power and moving into areas traditionally the remit of the state.
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Ep. 5 Are you ready for The Age of No Retirement?
Monday Apr 16, 2018
Monday Apr 16, 2018
“Your 65-year-old self isn’t that different to your 25-year-old self” insists Jonathan Collie in this latest everywoman podcast. As the co-founder of The Age of No Retirement he’s on a mission – to create a world where age does not define us. And with ageism dubbed “the last acceptable prejudice”, its work that is vital to a more inclusive society. In the work environment, traditional ideas of retirement lead to rich and productive working lives cauterised by an arbitrary age line for both women and men. Dr Collie talks about how we can – and should - challenge this, looking at how the power of meaningful work throughout the whole life course can benefit ourselves, business and society – as well as play a key role in closing the Gender Pay Gap.
Monday Mar 26, 2018
Monday Mar 26, 2018
“We can change things through very small acts of subversion” insists Pearl & Dean CEO Kathryn Jacob. Forget the glass ceiling, she says, in the workplace today there's a glass wall. Men and women can see each other clearly through the divide, but they don't speak the same language or have the same expectations. And as such, ‘pragmatic feminism’ requires us to take charge in our own way. As co-author of The Glass Wall with Sue Unerman, Jacob uses a lifetime of working in male-dominated businesses –to talk frankly about finding success strategies and ways to flourish. Whether that’s ‘showing off at work’, ditching the ‘guilt’ of being a working mum or defining what success looks like to us she pulls no punches in this funny and fearless podcast. Listen in – and listen up!
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
In April 2018, legislation comes into force requiring every company with over 250 employees to publish its Gender Pay Gap. But how much do you really know about this historic step forward to gender equality? What are the implications? And how does it affect you?
If you want to get to grips with the Gender Pay Gap, then Helene Reardon-Bond OBE is the person to ask. A UK expert on diversity and equality and advisor to the Lord Davies and Hampton Alexander Reviews, she was also the lead policy architect behind the gender pay gap reporting regulations as head of policy at the Government Equalities Office.
We invited her into the studio to talk about the challenges, implications and opportunities of the Gender Pay Gap, and how excited she is – for the women of today and the generations to come - at the powerful steps being taken to drive us forward to pay parity. Listen in to this inspiring everywoman podcast to find out more…
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
Wednesday Feb 07, 2018
“Becoming a mum to two children hasn’t diminished how much I enjoy and value my career but it meant rethinking what worked best for me and my family in combining work and home life.” So says EMEA Director of How Do You Do It? Debs Ingham, articulating an experience common to most parents and carers. When we ask the inevitable “How do you do it?!” of those who are meeting these dual roles, should it be to individuals, frantically spinning their plates? Or should it be to forward-thinking organisations, focused on supporting their employees to align their work and home goals? How Do You Do It? delivers in-house programmes for businesses on the curve of this crucial attitude shift, helping them to support their talent and solve issues including female attraction and retention, flexible working strategies and on and off-ramping. In this everywoman podcast, we talk to Debs about how attitudes to family life can enable businesses to work smarter and more inclusively.