Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
Wednesday Jul 01, 2020
“There’s no doubt we’re in a much better place than we were three months ago” – Public Health England Principal Epidemiologist, Dr Meaghan Kall discusses Covid, collaboration and the challenge to achieve diversity in health and science.
With Covid-19 at the forefront of the world health agenda, Principal Epidemiologist at Public Health England, Dr Meaghan Kall has been working to map the data over the past few months to increase knowledge on the virus in the population. In the latest everywoman podcast episode she discusses the pandemic and its impact, the challenges – and creative collaborations - of women in STEM and how diversity can bring massive benefits in knowledge and innovation to all fields of science.
This podcast represents the personal viewpoints and opinions of Dr Meaghan Kall and does not represent those of Public Health England.
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Sarah Anderson, CEO of The Listening Place, challenged orthodoxy around supporting those with suicidal ideation when she launched The Listening Place in 2016. This unique service offers those with suicidal thoughts a place to talk openly about their feelings without being judged or given advice – in this podcast episode we talk to her about smashing taboos and changing the conversation around mental health.
Tuesday May 12, 2020
everywomanBookClub ep.1 - Acting with Power by Deborah Gruenfeld
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
In her book Acting With Power, Stanford Graduate School’s Professor Deborah Gruenfeld sets out to convince us that we all have more power than we realise, and that by learning how to ‘act’ out our roles in a more powerful way, we can all be better versions of ourselves at work, at home and in the community. In this edition of the everywomanBookClub podcast, everywoman’s Rebecca Lewis challenges Professor Gruenfeld to help us become more powerful in our relationship with the boss, and learn how to handle interruptions and say “no” more effectively. We also get Professor Gruenfeld’s insight into female leadership during the Covid-19 crisis, the power behind the #MeToo Movement, and how birth order and childhood experiences impact our relationship with power in adulthood. (Spoiler alert: President Trump is the second youngest of five children.)
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
ep. 28 - Travel sustainability with Juliet Kinsman
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, the travel industry is under immense pressure, as curtailed global movement continues to have a massive impact on all aspects. Around 10 percent of the world work in the travel industry in some way, and it is those on the ground at the bottom of the supply chain, from independent hoteliers to tour guides, that look set to be worst hit. In this everywoman podcast sustainable luxury travel expert, Juliet Kinsman discusses the positive impact that travel can play in empowering local economies, encouraging environmental responsibility and providing access to education for young women from rural areas – and what global travel might possibly look like – and need - post-pandemic.
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
ep. 27 - How setting goals can transform your life with Sally Kettle
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Tuesday Mar 31, 2020
Broadcaster, motivational speaker and everywoman trainer, Sally Kettle knows about the power of a goal to transform your life. As an ocean rower, she was the first woman to row the Atlantic twice, from east to west - once with her mother, Sarah in 2004. But it’s not just the big , audacious goals in life that have the power to shape us, as she discusses in this everywoman podcast. How and why we set goals – big and small - at all stages of our lives and careers is key to moving us forward successfully. And the journey of goal setting is one that demands resilience, adaptability and real understanding of ourselves. In this frank and inspiring chat, we discuss the power of combining personal vision with a plan and what it takes to reach for – and achieve - what you really want.
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Ep. 26 - Ditching Imposter Syndrome with Clare Josa
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Imposter syndrome is said to cost UK businesses billions. Make 2020 the year you leave it behind
It’s hard to achieve your full potential if you’re constantly worrying that ‘they’ might find out you’re not good enough, don’t know as much as you should or that you got to where you are by accident. If this sounds familiar then you are in the grip of ‘imposter syndrome’, an internal limit that keeps both men and women from achieving all they can – and want to.
Author Clare Josa is the UK’s leading expert on imposter syndrome and conducted a landmark research study in 2019 that shows how widespread imposter syndrome is and how it is potentially costing UK businesses billions. We talk to her about her new book Ditching Imposter Syndrome, which is designed to give you a clear five-step plan to get rid of this limitation, allowing you to dream bigger and understand yourself in an expanded way.
SPECIAL DOWNLOAD - everywoman listeners can download a free version of Clare’s ‘emergency fix’ technique at http://www.clarejosa.com/everywoman/
Monday Dec 02, 2019
Monday Dec 02, 2019
We talk to Jennifer Petriglieri, author of Couples That Work, about the pitfalls and potentials of negotiating dual careers.
Associate professor of Organisational Behaviour at INSEAD business school, Jennifer Petriglieri has spent over a decade researching how people’s close relationships shape who they become professionally and personally. Her new book Couples That Work looks at how dual-career couples can thrive in love and work. We talk to her about the common mistakes that we can fall into as we progress our careers in tandem at different stages of life and the key questions and conversations to have to ensure that we successfully negotiate our personal and professional lives together.
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
The summer of 2019 was all about women’s football – with all eyes on the Women’s World Cup. But while the tournament captured international imagination, the sport itself has been slowly and steadily growing in popularity away from the spotlight. With women banned from playing professional football until 1971 in the UK, there’s a lot of catching up to do to achieve gender parity. In this everywoman podcast episode, we talk to Gavin Makel, Head of Women’s Football at Manchester City FC about the challenges of evolving the game, and how investment and attention is now creating a strong business case for the women’s game, turning it into a real career path - and providing a passion for a whole new audience of football fans.
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
When Rachel Clarke and Melanie Welsh set up communications and strategy practice Strat House they knew they wanted to work in a new and more balanced way. The resulting innovative working practices they have put in place – from 180 days a year maximum working to “mountain time” to combat ‘always-on’ digital culture - are creating a healthier business environment that puts results behind presenteeism. At the same time, they are working to create a workplace that allows their employees to grow and challenge their own bias in a positive and proactive way to create more inclusivity. In the latest everywoman podcast episode, we talk to them about creating the ‘workplace of the future’ now - and why challenging bias, such as microagressions, is also helping to break the cycle of bias in wider communications, from messaging to algorithms.
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Monday Sep 02, 2019
Almost six months have passed since the UK’s gender pay gap report, so for our latest podcast we talk to Nicki Sprinz, who closed the gap at her company.
Is closing the gender pay gap a question of what’s ‘possible’, or really more about a deep commitment to doing so? Design studio ustwo has closed its gender pay gap from 13% in just three years - now it is an extraordinary 4.38% in favour of women. Managing director Nicki Sprinz spearheaded the change through concerted action in areas that included management and inclusivity training, senior management hiring and pipeline strategy - and insists that to really move the needle you have to care. In this podcast episode we talk to her about her company’s inspirational achievement and what businesses need to do to take meaningful action, rather than pay lip service to pay parity.